Leicester Forest Cycling Club Rules

All members must adhere to the club rules and act in a manner that reflects positively upon the club.

1. Name:

The name of the club shall be Leicester Forest Cycling Club (the club).

2. Purpose:

The club is a non profit making organisation whose purposes are to promote the amateur sport of cycling in Leicester and Leicestershire and to encourage community participation in competitive, leisure and utility cycling.

3. Standards:

The club is committed to encouraging the highest ethical standards. All club members should conduct themselves honestly, openly, fairly and with respect for all other people.

4. Colours:

The colours of the club shall be gold, green and white.

5. Club year:

The club year shall run from the 1st December to 30th November.

6. Membership:

Membership is open to anyone interested in cycling, regardless of their sex, age, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and political or other beliefs.

Membership consists of the following categories:

  • Life – For current or past members who have contributed in an outstanding manner to the club or to cycling. Life members shall be elected by the committee and bestowed at the annual awards ceremony, or at the AGM in lieu of there being no ceremony (See Appendix 1);

  • Senior – Over 18 years of age at the start of the club year for which membership is sought;

  • Junior – Under 18 years of age at the start of the club year – half the annual membership fee;

  • Family - Consisting of 2 adults and unlimited children residing in the same household;

  • Second (2nd) Claim – Members of other cycling clubs affiliated to BC and/or CTT may apply for second claim membership by paying half the annual subscription. Second claim members are not eligible for club trophies, but may claim medals;

  • Application for membership, on the official form, should be sent to the club membership secretary, with the annual membership fee;

  • Membership starts from the date of application and ceases on the 30th of November after application. Applicants may take part in any club activity upon acceptance;

  • The club committee may only refuse memberships or remove it, for reasons such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. If membership is refused the subscription will be returned;

  • The annual subscription shall be determined at the AGM. It shall be paid upon joining the club and is due for renewal on December the 1st;

  • The subscription of new members joining the club during October or November will run until the end of November the following year;

  • All members joining the club shall be deemed to accept the terms of the constitution and rules;

  • All members are required to contribute to the running of the club. This may take the form of volunteering to run an event, assisting at an event e.g. marshalling or timekeeping, standing for an official post or by any other means they are able to offer;

  • Any member resigning from the club for whatever reason must return any club property in their possession to a committee member.

7. Officials:

Club officials shall be elected annually by club members at the AGM. There shall be no bar to re-election.

8. Management:

The club shall be managed by a committee comprising no more than 15 members including, as a minimum: a secretary, treasurer and three other officials as detailed in the constitution.

The committee may have additional officials to run club activities as described in - 13. Duties and responsibilities of officials.

Additional committee members may be co-opted as required.

9. Committee meetings:

The committee should hold at least 10 meetings a year. Subject to any issues of confidentiality any club member may attend a meeting or be given a copy of any committee minutes.

10. Annual general meeting (AGM):

An annual general meeting will be held in accordance with the constitution. The date and venue to be determined by the secretary in consultation with the committee.

The agenda shall be circulated to all members two weeks before the meeting. The business of the meeting shall include:

  • Approving the minutes of the previous AGM.

  • Hearing reports from officials as required.

  • Approving the treasurers and auditors reports and the annual accounts.

  • Election of officials as indicated in section 7 above.

  • Election of auditors.

  • Considering changes to the constitution and rules.

  • Any other business.

Proposals for consideration at the AGM should be presented at least one month before the meeting. Proposals may be accepted during general meetings if agreed by a majority vote.

Each proposal must be seconded by a club member. Voting on such proposals will be decided by a simple majority vote except where a change of constitution is involved.

Only club members may vote at general meetings.

11. Changes to the club constitution:

Changes to the club constitution may only be made either at the AGM or at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) specially convened. Changes to the club constitution may only be made with the agreement of two thirds of those voting.

12. Duties and Responsibilities of Officials:

Duties and responsibilities of all officials are at the discretion of the post holder, the committee should ensure that all important tasks are completed by members of the committee. The following are

The committee shall ensure that all important tasks are completed by members of the committee. The following are:

a) Secretary: Deals with matters arising from the committee and other meetings, including recording the minutes of meetings, dealing with general correspondence and issuing club notices. The secretary should also be responsible for maintaining the asset register and ensuring that any insurance cover on the club trophies is kept up to date.

b) Treasurer: Receives all payments to the club, deposits all payments in accounts held in the name of the club, makes payments as required by the committee. Maintains a record of club transactions and prepares an annual statement of accounts a copy of which will be checked and presented to the AGM for adoption.

c) Membership secretary: To receive applications and send out membership cards and any other relevant information. To ensure that members are informed when membership fees need paying. To send written communications to members when required.

d) President: Chairs meetings of the club, including the AGM, sets the agenda for meetings in consultation with the secretary and decides points of order and priority of speakers. The decisions made from the chair are final. The president shall not vote unless required to make a casting vote. A deputy may be appointed at any meeting that the president is unable to attend, by agreement of the majority in attendance.

e) Junior Section Co-ordinator: To coordinate with the Go Ride club coaches ensure their needs are met and report back to the committee on Go Ride activities.

f) Women’s secretary: Promote women’s cycling within the club.

g) Racing secretary: To put in place organising teams and support them in the organisation of racing events that fall under the BC umbrella. Races currently include the road race, CX race and New College based circuit races. To regularly report to the committee on the progress of race organisation. To represent the club at EMRRL, LCXL and BC regional meetings where appropriate.

h) Website Co-ordinator: To ensure that both Social Media and the website are kept up to date at all times.

i) Club Kit Co-ordinator: Order, sell and keep up to date inventories of club kit. Be a point of contact for those wishing to purchase club kit, liaise with the manufacturers regarding club kit requirements. Liaise with the treasurer with regard to sales and purchases.

j) Time Trial Coordinator: Put in place logistics for evening 10 and open TTs, i.e. book HQs, submit police forms, recruit organisers, submit info to CTT and attend CTT date setting conferences where possible.

k) Welfare Officer: Advise the club and officers on the implementation of welfare policy. Ensure that the club conforms to GDPR. Respond to suspected breaches of policy and report appropriately

l) Club Captain: Be a point of contact for those in the club who wish to race. Be a point of contact for Rockets members joining the senior club and organise coaching as appropriate. Promote racing activity.

m) Awards and Trophies Secretary: Ensure that trophies are collected and engraved and cleaned in good time for the awards evening. Ensure that trophies are awarded in line with the set criteria by keeping abreast of results for all competitions in which trophies are awarded.

All officials may be required to give a report at the AGM.

14.Discipliary matters:

Any club member behaving in a manner likely to bring Serious and/or sustained offence to another member and/or disrepute to the name of the club or cycling may be disciplined by the committee.

He or she has the right to attend the disciplinary meeting at which the case is considered. Having been informed of the disciplinary charge and given at least seven days notice of the meeting.

The club member may bring another club member with them to the disciplinary hearing.

Members required to resign from the club as a result of a disciplinary hearing shall be informed of the decision of the committee and shall have the right to appeal to a panel of club members.

Notice of appeal must be submitted in writing to the secretary, no more than seven days from the date of notification of expulsion.

Appendix 1

(1) Life membership:

(i) Life membership is an accolade bestowed upon any club member who has made an extraordinary or outstanding contribution to the club and/or to the sport of cycling.

(iii) Life membership is considered once annually and is awarded at the discretion of the committee. The committee are at liberty to make any number of awards or none as deemed appropriate.

(iv) Nominations can only be made by committee members.

(v) Serving committee members cannot be nominated.

(vi) Successful nominations for life membership must be voted on by at least 80% of the committee.

(vii) The bestowing of life membership deems that no membership fees are owed to the club by that individual upon which it is bestowed whilst they remain at the club.

(viii) The committee reserves the right to revoke a life membership at any time.

(ix) Life members reserve their right to revoke their life membership and may do so by writing to either the club secretary or membership secretary.

(x) Life members are subject to the same rules, standards and expectations as ordinary members.

(xi) Life members may join other clubs as either 1st or 2nd claim members. Any life member joining another club as a 1st claim member should inform the club’s secretary or membership secretary as soon as possible. Life members who join other clubs as a 1st claim will automatically revert to 2nd claim. The terms of membership would remain unaffected.

(xii) Life membership will be revoked by the committee if a life member does not in good time inform the committee of any change as described in (xi).